Filarmonía de Madrid Youth Choir

Estado del evento

  • Estado: Finished

Detalles del evento

On 23 December, the Filarmonía de Madrid Youth Choir will give a performance to accompany the visual installation on the southern façade of the Church of San Andrés. A very special night on which we can gather together for art, music and Yuletide festivities, bringing our series of projected nativity scenes to a close with a traditional Christmas concert as a taster of Christmas Eve celebrations, with all its excitement, merriment and unforgettable holiday spirit.


Estado del evento

  • Estado: Finished

Detalles del evento

Accessibility type

Place of employment information

Real Iglesia de San Andrés Apóstol

Plaza de los Carros

Paisaje o vista de Real Iglesia de San Andrés Apóstol



Metro: La Latina (L5)

Bús: 002, 3, 17, 18, 23, 31, 35, 50, 60, 65, 148, M3, N16, N26

BiciMAD: estaciones Plaza de los Carros (Carrera de San Francisco, frente al nº 2), Plaza de la Cebada, 3

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