Yediga, more beautiful than the moon, and other German-style North African tales
Amalialú Posso Figueroa
Estado del evento
- Estado: Finished
Detalles del evento
29th of December,
- Duration: 60 minutes
Matadero Madrid
Free admission until full capacity is reached
Oral storytelling for adults
The philologist, writer and oral storyteller Ana Griott presents an event for adults exploring North African versions of the stories compiled by the Grimm brothers. Because stories don’t need a passport to reach the hearts of their listeners.
Estado del evento
- Estado: Finished
Detalles del evento
29th of December,
- Duration: 60 minutes
Matadero Madrid
Free admission until full capacity is reached
Accessibility type
- Telephone: 913 184 670
- Contact us: [email protected]
- Renfe: Embajadores
- Metro: Legazpi (líneas 3, 6)
- Bus: 123, 22, 79, 148, 18, 6, 78, 45, 8, 19, 247, 47, 59, 62, 76, 85, 86, 156, 180, T32
- Bicimad: Estación 177 (calle Bolívar, 3)

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